Youth Conference
22 countries
+600 youth
15-30 yo
What to expect?
..."youth whose consciousness of the failings of society impels them to work for its transformation, not to distance themselves from it; youth who, whatever the cost, will refuse to pass by inequity in its many incarnations and will labour, instead, that “the light of justice may shed its radiance upon the whole world.”
- Universal House of Justice
On the venue and more.
If you are traveling to the conference, please plan to arrive in Bucharest on May 1st to ensure you can attend the full program, which will conclude on Sunday, May 4th, in the afternoon.
While the venue is easily accessible by public transportation, we recommend securing accommodation in the nearby area (North of Bucharest) for added convenience.
A registration form with all the necessary details will be available soon. In the meantime, please express your interest in attending by completing the pre-registration form below.
Program of the conference
Daily program will be updated here as soon as possible! Stay tuned!